Enter few details of Employees Then Hit Calculate Button |
Basic Pay as on March-2024 | |
Present HRA: | |
TS Increment: |
Increment Month: |
Pension Type (If GPF/PPF, Enter Monthly Amount): |
Total Savings ( LIC, PLI, Fees, SSY, FD ) Max: 1.5Lacs: |
Total Deductions on Savings( Home, Edu Loan intrests, Medicle, PHC ) Max: 2 Lacs: |
Others Earnings per Month ( HM / SA / PHC / CCA allowances): |
Surrender of Earned Leaves |
AAS (6/12/18/24 Yrs Scale) |
Rent per Month: |
DA Arrears ( 2 DA's Total -CPS Emp ): |
PRC Arrears ( Total): |
Total Advance Tax Paid in Year: |